Switching Discord accounts
If you're signed in on a Discord account that you don't want to use, follow these steps to switch which account you are using.
1. Log out of Pingcord
Go to https://pingcord.xyz and click your name in the top right
On the dropdown box, select Logout
2. Log out of Discord in your browser
In the same browser tab/window as Pingcord, type in the URL: discord.com/app
This will open the in-browser version of Discord where it will be logged in with the account you don't want.
Log out of Discord in the browser.
3. Log back in to Pingcord
Go back to https://pingcord.xyz and press Login with Discord in the top right.
When transferred to Discord, you should be logged out and it will prompt you to log in. Here, use the right details for the account.
You should now be logged in with the account you want.